Happy Mother's Day

Whitney • 27.Married.Miscarried 4 times. Now Pregnant
I have cried all day. Just the constant reminder that I'm not a mom to a living child. I've had 2 miscarriages with in a 5 month period. It saddens me that people do not consider you a mom unless you have a baby. Well I have been pregnant twice and yes I lost my babies but I'm still a mother. You still had a bond with your unborn child. An unconditional love for a baby that you didn't see, know what gender they were, you didn't feel them move yet...but you had a heart so full of love that it could bust. That's a mother. So whether people want to tell me happy Mother's day today or not..I am celebrating myself. I'm a mother. Happy Mother's Day to all the other women out there who have lost their babies and to the women that have their babies with them.