Jessica jones

I didn't really know where to put this as in what topic but I need some advice. I don't know if any of you have seen the Netflix original Jessica's jones (also a comic) but in it she's afraid of this guy who has this power to make people do what he says. In their heads they could be screaming they don't want to but it doesn't matter, they have to do it. It's a body control power. He raped Jessica jones and used her for years even made her murder some people. It's horrible. Well I have my own version of Jessica's man in purple. When I was 14 there was a boy who was 17 and he was my world - I was star struck and every day he told me he loved me so I did whatever he wanted. There is a LOT of bag round story I'm leaving out but long story short: my mom didn't exactly have time to love me (she was a good mom) just a lot going on and I assumed she would died any day so we never tried to get close. And my dad left and anyone else who said they loved me died or left. And I have abandonment issues. Horrifying anxiety. And I'm depressed. 14 year old me was so much worse. So this guy could sing like the heavens and we just had such a good time together and I could never tell how badly he was using me to even write his college entry letter(I'm an four time award winning essay writer at 14) and of course he gets in and he just finds a way to make me feel special when everyone's always made me feel like trash. And then he gets angry with me ... Abusivly angry .. I've never told anyone this part but he said if I really loved him I'd let him spit in my mouth. And that slowly escalated to if I really loved him is fucking stay still while he did horrible things to me. Until one day it was that I was trash and should just die. So I should stay still in the street not move and let a truck hit me. So I did. I stayed still in the street in tears. What was the point of living anyways. A older man pulled me out of the way in time I don't even know his name just remember blurry eyes filled with tears stained bloody wrist on the walk home and his name engraved with blood on the bottom of my left foot branded like some kind of dark toy story horror punch line. I'm not 14 anymore. I'm engaged. I'm 20. I'm still a little shaken. I blocked him on all social media. I never told a soul the full story other than my fiancé. He understands. But I need advice because he found me. He claims none of it happened. And he demands to speak to me ... And I've been having nightmares of him getting to me again. Of him having control. Of him raping me .. And I don't know what to do - or if I should face this demon. I need closure is what my fiancé thinks and he said he'd hold my hand through it but I don't know.. I'm not that 14 year old girl anymore but why does his very name bring panic and fear into my heart and make me feel like I am. I feel like a mad person or like I'm insane cause how could he say it didn't happen... It makes me shake and feel like I should be in an assylum or soemthing. I hope to god none of you have had to deal with anything like this.. It's just if you have and you've made it... What's ur advice ?