Anyone have experience with evening primrose oil?

I'm not trying to bring on labor, but I do want to try and prepare my body for labor. I'm 36w3d. And every woman in my family always has trouble dilating. I've already started my weekly visits with my doctor and my cervix is closed shut. Which is a good thing for now. But I do desperately want to be able to have a natural vaginal birth. I've read you can use evening primrose oil to ripen the cervix. Anyone have any experience with that? How soon should I start using it and how much/how often? Is it better to take them orally or insert them?
Also, I've read that red raspberry leaf tea is good to start drinking now to help your uterus do its duty and to make for an easier birth. Same question.. Any experience? How much/how often? 
Eating dates I've heard is good for a strong uterus and bouncing back also. 
Any input is greatly appreciated 😊