All those theories and.....

So for three weeks I've had a daughter. Today I paid to have a technician come to my house for a gender confirmation. Well, it's a boy. I was very upset and I know that it's because I was so set on one thing. Going forward I will wait as I've done before until the 20 week mark or delivery. I went to carters today to return over $100 worth of baby girl clothes. It was my first time actually going out and shopping so I did look around and ended up getting a few things. The retail therapy helped a lot. I ended up leaving with newborn to nine month clothing. It felt good. My advise is to just wait.  I saw on here where someone cried and I thought it was completely ridiculous. But when she scanned my stomach and I saw I just knew and I started bawling. Sigh? At least he's healthy. My son was so happy. My oldest daughter cried and said she couldn't possible handle another brother.