How to make someone clean?? 😤

My SO and I are seniors in high school about to graduate with a 5 month baby girl. We live with his family. His Dad's not home that much so it's up to my SO, me and his little sister (16) to do the cleaning. She will not clean EVER. She has a dog, that she forgets to feed half the time and never cleans up after the dogs accidents. So my SO and I have too. Even though she swore she would. She always has an excuse and then pouts about it. My SO and I have to do everything, dishes, cleaning the bathroom, taking out all the trash cans, picking up her trash, her dirty plates (she won't even scrape off the extra food!), sweeping, scrubbing the floors, laundry, and all kinds of other crap. She's a good friend of mine so I don't wanna be too harsh on her, but idk how to make her help out! She doesn't do anything but stay on her phone in her filthy room. It's hard for us to do all this and take care of our little one and finish up our schoolwork! Any tips??? It's very frustrating! We've tried so much and all she does is whine and lock her door. What can we do???