Feeling odd this month

Sarah • Recently married not ready just yet to have a child but looking forward to starting a family next year fingers crossed
Feeling odd this month by odd I mean not my usual mid cycle how I normally feel. Been pretty hungry for the past 2 week like I'm going to eat everything in my house hungry if I don't eat shortly after starting to feel hungry I get really sharp stomach pains and I feel like I'm gonna throw up and get dizzy. Also I've been smelling crayons yes crayons no there are no crayons around me it's so strong I can taste it! That also puts me on the virge of hurling. Over all my sence of smell seems to be highted passing people at work in the hall smells of there perfume or cologne makes me sick! I get bloated a lot too but hungry at the same time. My husband and I use condoms birth control makes me crazy. I had my period earlier this month. Not due again for anthoner 15 days. Not even considering the possibility of pregnancy but wondering if any ladies ever experienced this and if they figured out what caused it. Especially the tasting and smelling crayons is all about!