Sick of the abuse

I'm so low, my boyfriend is so personal towards me when we fight. He is 12 year older than me, I am 24. We have a 4 month old and a 5 year old, I'm currently on maternity leave so getting very little money, he has an extremely well paid job so I don't receive benefits etc. Whenever we fight he says I'm a child and I'm no role model to our children, he says I'm bone idle and do nothing and the house is always a disgrace, (I go out of my way to make sure the house is spotless because it's not the first time he's said this ) he's called me a fat slapper in the past and often throws things at me, whenever I arrange to do anything with my friends which isn't often he causes a fight so then I end up not going. I have nothing to do with my family and he says he can see why my family never want anything to do with me. He works 4 days and has 6 off  and throws that in my face that he's going to work and paying for me and the 5 year old that isn't his to live and that I'm a dead beat because I've got a basic job (even though I'm currently on maternity) and I'm jealous of him for having a good job! He's very particular and has OCD. I've stopped cooking his meals because all he done was criticise it or even leave a meal (my cooking really isn't that bad) 
If I spend any of my wages he goes mad, I haven't had a hair cut since September, and I'm still in all my pregnancy clothes which are far too big because I can't afford new ones. He makes me feel like I'm a peasent and he's a King and I've to treat him like one. I'm so depressed and whenever I see any one I feel like breaking down if they ask if I'm ok, I used to have a good relationship with his family and they always took my side so he's now started telling them I'm aggressive etc so they dislike me. I have nobody.