Two days late and counting! Did Geritol really work😳

April • A wife and mother of 4 (2 natural 2 step-children who I adore). Celebrity stylist and owner of hair and makeup studio.
Well I am officially two days late with my always normal, always 28 days like clockwork, never late period. Waiting till next week to test to have enough hormones. Don't want to waste my last two test. 
All my un-normal symptoms this month:
1. Extremely sore breast(all over) with twinges (even while writing this the nipples are hurting)
2. Insomnia 
3. Pulls in pelvic with mild cramps
4. And High Temps (still high now) 
(I've never experienced any of these symptoms before a period and I've never been late)
(Update) I forgot to mention the craziness I mean really insane vivid dreams. Stuff me and my husband were in tears laughing about. 
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Posted at
I took a test on the day of my missed period and it instantly turned positive with both my last pregnancy and my current one. It's very possible since you are already passed your period to have a positive test! Plenty of women have positives prior to a missed period. However, I understand not wanting to wastes tests either! Good luck, hopefully you get your positive soon ❤️


April • May 14, 2016
Yea that's what I read but I'm just nerves me and my husband both lol. So we want to just wait it out just incase. And thank you 😉


Posted at
I'm pretty sure Geritol worked for me after one cycle/bottle.  I definitely wanted to wait to test, but husband insisted 4 days before expected period because of symptoms and recent meals from chipotle. 


April • May 15, 2016
This was my first cycle as well with Geritol. I'm a anemic and I've always had super low iron levels, so I thought why not give it a try.


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I took a digital test 5 days before my expected period and I had results within 30 seconds. I'd definitely take one if you're already late


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So I am so upset because I started spitting yesterday after playtime with hubby and it never stopped. All these changes in my body so I just knew something was up when I had a late period. Really disappointed because I was planning on testing today but what's the point. So glad I didn't waste my test earlier


April • May 17, 2016
Thanks ladies but it was definitely AF going to doc on Monday to make sure there's nothing blocking me getting pregnant. And all the weird symptoms


Jerica • May 17, 2016
The spotting. If it's just spotting and nothing heavier, I'd still test 😊


Jerica • May 17, 2016
Spotting is very normal after having intercourse during pregnancy! I had spotting after a Pap smear and it took a few days to completely stop. Unless you have heavy bleeding, it's still possible to be pregnant. Your cervix is extremely sensitive during pregnancy, therefore any irritations can cause