In a dispute with myself. .

Alicen • 22 years old. Married to my best friend on 06/13/15. Had our princess on 03/04/2016. Angel baby 11/23/2016. 4 fur babes!
Hi guys! I am 10 weeks 2 day pp. I just now officially was taken off my depression medicine ! Woohoo! So here's the dilema, I almost want to be pregnant again. I miss everything about it even though I had a rough pregnancy. I'm jealous of every pregnant lady almost, and it's not their fault, I have my beautiful daughter and I love my little redhead. I promised my sister (she has fertility issues) I wouldn't get pregnant until her process starts, and my other sister just had a misscarriage. . I'm using breastfeeding as a bc, but I'm pretty sure I'm pregnant again. He decided to "finish" instead of pulling. I'm afraid I'm now pregnant again, although I want to be. I'm nervous, I don't want to crush my sisters.. I'm having all the beginning symptoms I had with my daughter. My PT came back negative, but so did all of the ones I took with mackinlee until I was 2.5 months pregnant. . what should I do 😞