36 wks water broke

I hit 36 wks 0 days at 12am on 5/15/16. My dog had came and poked me with her nose while I was lying down so I got up and went into the living room with her. I ate a plate of peach cobbler and decided to go back to bed at 2am. When I stood up from the couch, I squirted liquid. I thought," Did I just pee myself?" As soon as I went to take a step, more fluid squirted out and it kept coming in bursts as I walked down the hallway. I yelled for my SO and luckily he woke easy on the first try. I told him my water broke and he bolted upright and said," Did it really?!?" I was not having any contractions and was not expecting tonight to be the night so I sat on the toilet and had SO find things I needed. I called the hospital and they said to come in right then. We called my friend to come over to watch my 5yr old son and uncharacteristicly, she had gone out tonight and drank too much so we took my 5yr old with us to the hospital. We arrived but it was after hours so we had to use the main entrance. SO dropped me and my 5yr old off at the doors and parked the car. I got lost trying to find my way to L&D so SO beat me there and had to come rescue me lol. Once there it was confirmed that my water had broke, but I wasn't having contractions. They waited until 9am to see if things would happen, I was dilated 3cm but the contractions weren't quite picking up so they started pitocin. I labored to 5cm without pain medication but the pain I was feeling was intense and felt different than it had with my first child so I asked for the epidural. They gave it to me and when they checked me they found my son was facing the wrong way and I was having back labor. I felt good after the epidural but with in 30 min of having it placed, I started feeling intense pressure like I had to poop. Nurse checked and it was time. By the time the doc got there baby was crowning. I had him in 3 pushes, no episiotomy, I had a 2nd degree tear on my old episiotomy scar and tore in another place. The natural tearing has been significantly less painful for me than when I had had the episiotomy with my first child. Baby Liam was premature but was a whopping 7lbs and 18.5 inches. We had hopes he would do well but he wasn't want to cry. They whisked him away to the NICU to evaluate him. His condition went downhill fast. 6 hours later we were informed that he was being admitted to the NICU. One of his lungs was underdeveloped, his blood work came back that he had an infection, and he didn't have enough surfactant in either lung. They did a spinal tap to rule out meningitis and treated him with broad spectrum antibiotics and surfactant. Eventually the spinal tap came back negative and he seemed to stabLize his breathing. They said they would redo blood work to see if that had improved and if it had they will take him off the antibiotics. They said we could go change his diaper at 11 pm 3/16 but as we were leaving our room to do so, the NICU doc came in. His lower right lung has collapsed. If the rest of it collaspes he will need a chest tube. Now we have a journey ahead of us. I will leave the hospital soon but Liam will stay. We haven't gotten to hold him. I am pumping to try to keep my supply up and to give to him.