Pain in lower abdomen

Tammy • Just tracking my stuff. Not TTC anymore. New partner, new attitude. Still want kids. If it happens, it happens. If it doesn't- I'm really cool with having a dog or cat🤷🏾‍♀️
I haven't really been in the community to talk for about a year. I had a false positive last April and just said fuck it. Just recently my husband and I decided to put off seeking more medical help with trying to conceive until I graduate and he goes to shore duty. We've been ttc since November 2010. Anyway, I wouldn't normally ask unless things were weird, and as of three hours ago, things have become weird. At work I developed a horrible pain in my lower right abdomen. I worked through it thinking it would go away, but an hour later it was still there and getting worse. Just to clarify I'm not on my period, I just stopped ovulating yesterday, my period isn't for another 12 days, I don't have pcos, endo,and I don't typically have pain like this unless I'm ovulating. The last time I felt something close to this was last June when I took clomid for the last time. I haven't taken any fertility drugs since then. Anyway, it's midnight and I'm laying here and the pain has not gone away. When I stood up, the pain spread to both sides of my abdomen. Since I've gone to bed it has gone back to the right side and it's a heavy dull, warm ache that has now spread to my back. What I'm trying g to say is... has anyone had this pain and know what it might be? If it doesn't go away by tomorrow night, I'm going to the er...