Need advice..

Erica • 21. Single Mommy. Isaiah Ethan ~ Born July 15th, 2016

So me and my bd are not together anymore, we broke up about two months ago...and he's already dating someone else.

We are both addicts and met in recovery (in the program of NA being clean means abstaining from all chemicals including alcohol) I told him when I met him that if he were to ever relapse I'd leave him. When I found out I was pregnant I told him that if he were to ever relapse he'd have a very very hard time seeing his son.

Well I have recently come across some pictures of him and his new bimbo on fb of them with alcoholic drinks in their hands.

Me and him do not talk unless necessary...

If that's the life he wants to live, he's not welcome in my son's life.

I feel selfish and petty and quite jealous to be honest but my feelings are valid. I am hurt by his actions and I am very disappointed and upset.

I've been struggling with feelings of neglect and abandonment from him si CE he left me. Then to find out just a few weeks later he is dating some other girl..I feel broken. Now to find out he's drinking, after having almost 9 months clean..

Idk what to do. Should I confront him about it? Or do I just keep my mouth shut? I mean he knows how I feel about the situation so do I even bother saying anything?

And am I wrong for wanting to keep our son from him once he is born?