I wish people would realize

Kimberly🚮🚮😘 • Momma to Orion, Taurus, opinionated (sorry)

When a pregnant woman complains about something (like hurting) or whatever, she's not saying she's not happy she is pregnant.

She's not asking for people to say "you should be happy you're pregnant".

Nowhere in a complaint is she saying "I hurt I'm so pissed off I'm pregnant".

No! She's just complaining because pregnancy does kinda suck. I was sick for 4 months, got some relief and now I hurt all the time.

Telling a pregnant woman to "just be happy she's pregnant" is ridiculous.

Yes, others are trying really hard for a child, but how many women have tried for a while and then got to some point in their pregnancy and said "I'm just tired of hurting"? Most of them have!