"If baby is not moving, it's time to go to the hospital"

Colleen • FTM living with hubs and lil Declan Patrick in sunny Florida...
Question ladies. Both this appointment and last I met with my doctor's midwives, just to know them in case he's unable to deliver my little guy. They both separately told me to be monitoring my little guy's movement schedule (I'm 30 weeks). They said to try to drink something sweet if he ends up not moving when he is usually active, and, if nothing happens still within an hour, "it's time to go to the hospital." I'm not clear on what that means... That's vague... Does that mean there is probably something wrong with him? Does that mean he stopped breathing and (God forbid) passed away? Does it mean it's time to deliver? Does it even automatically mean anything? I feel so blunt asking specifically what it means, but I just would want to know what to expect if ever actually in this situation. Thanks.