My reading from katilyn..


I got a reading from sunfairy that said June also, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed and praying that it's true and that it happens...

Ashley's Fertility Reading

Your well-being and health:

4 of Wands Reversed

6 of Swords

You may be feeling a lack of spontaneity lately, as if the things that once interested you lost their luster. You are craving a deeper experience than what is just on the surface, and this may be what's leading you to want a child. You might also be making a recovery or leaving behind something that no longer suites you, or trying to avoid some negative influence in your life. You are fertile and in good general health!

Your partners well-being and health:

Your partner could be feeling burdened or restricted right now, and it is causing him stress. He is needing to connect more with his intuition and inner guidance, because searching for the answers on the outside isn't working at this point. He is needing to go within and find out the root of the problem or dilemma and how to solve it. He should cut out any activities or people in his life that cause him to feel upset. I'm also getting that he is needing to walk or use his legs more, this will improve blood flow/any blood pressure issues and help him to feel better in general.

Advice for you based on above:

Knight of Pentacles Reversed

This suggests that you should cultivate more patience, and really dig your heels in and know that you are making progress even if it doesn't seem like it on the outside. Pay attention to detail and really take your time with what you do. Not everything has to get done at once! You have plenty of time to accomplish your goals.

Advice for him based on above

The Lovers

He is really needing to make a choice or a decision and stick with it. If he has been feeling lost or confused, like he doesn't know which way to go, once again as emphasized earlier he should go within and find out what he really wants. If he feels stuck this is because he hasn't been clear about what he is really wanting, and so nothing manifests or happens as a result. If he makes a clear intention it shouldn't be long before things move forward.

When are you most likely to become pregnant:


This isn't as bad as it sounds, it rarely represents an actual death. This is more about transformation, endings, starting a new cycle, etc.

So perhaps you are going to be getting pregnant around the time of a major life change. This is card number 13 and so for Timing it represents a period of 13 days, 13 weeks, or during the time of Scorpio.

Intuitively I feel it will happen by the end of June next month.

How will pregnancy affect your life

6 of Wands

Its going to be a wonderful time of celebration, and praise and love from your family and friends. It's going to be a very happy time!

Will you have a boy, girl, or twins

2 of Cups


Ultimate thing to consider before becoming pregnant:

King of Wands

The king of wands is a very energetic and active man, passionate, motivated, and spontaneous. Perhaps it would benefit for you to take on some or all of these qualities! For some reason I also thought of a father figure with this card, perhaps you are needing to heal a relationship with your own father or a man in your life.

I hope this helped! Let me know if you have any questions xx