Becoming a mom

Future mommie • 3 years ago dx with insulin resistance and pcos...I want nothing more than to be a mommie...experiencing pregnancy , pains n all! I'm now on fertility meds (letrozole) love to swap stories!
Like everyone in this group ..I would love to be a mom to a little baby boy or girl. ..but unlike everyone in this group is have ovulation problems which had forwarded me to fertility this point I will do whatever to get my bundle of joy!!! I'm currently in my 2 ww and I don't feel like my S.O and i have succeeded! I see lots of other people the same CD as me or even earlier saying they feel this and that ..and implantation this and tht...sore boobs all that ..and what do I have???!!!! Nothing! !!! I'm getting very discouraged. ..NE one understand how I feel,?????