Stretchy CM, negative OPK?

Allison • 25 years old, 2 miscarriages in ‘15 & ‘16. Married 💍. 💙 KJS 6/30/18 💙 BBS 4/29/22
Helppp 😩
I am on CD 9, and my cycles are usually anywhere from 32-37 days long. My period ended 3 days ago, but I'm still having period cramps which usually end by the 2nd day of my period. 
When I woke up this morning, I was a little wet down there (TMI I know). It was slippery and a little stretchy, kind of like natural lubrication when you're aroused. I took an OPK and pregnancy test yesterday because of the cramps, and both were negative. What could be going on?