So the bakery messed up just a little 😆 (warning: kinda long)

So we had our gender reveal party last night (more of just a get together so our families could finally meet) and our plan was to have the US technician put the gender of the baby in an envelope and we'd bring it to a bakery to have a cake with the middle colored to go with the gender, it being a surprise for everyone, ourselves included... Well my Boyfriend and I were too impatient so we found out what we were having at our appointment, and it's a GIRL! But we wanted to still keep it a secret for everyone so we just called the bakery to tell them the gender so they could make the cake.. Well they messed up and colored the inside of the cake BLUE so imagine our own surprise when we cut the cake AND THEN having to explain to our excited family that the bakery got it wrong and it's NOT a boy 😂 It was all good and our families were still excited about us having a little girl, but imagine if my boyfriend and I didn't know the gender and they got it wrong.. We would have went through a pregnancy thinking we're having a boy, to be surprised later on that nope, that's definitely not a boy part lol below is the picture of my boyfriend and I after cutting the cake shocked at the color before telling our family the other news lol (don't mind my hair, i just got out from a long day at work)Â