Leaky boobs. Excited??

Okay, this may seems weird, but when I had my first born, it had only been about 1 year since I had a breast reduction surgery. My breasts had a lot of scarring (they removed my nipples during surgery and put them back on after) and I had a horrible time trying to breastfeed and eventually had to switch to formula feeding after about 4 weeks, my son just wasn't able to get enough nutrition because the scar tissue was blocking the ducts....BUT I'm now pregnant with my second, 3 years later (4 years after surgery)  and my breasts have started leaking tiny amounts of colostrum! I was so excited about this as I think it's an indication my breasts will be able to make and express milk easier this time!! I was so happy I cried haha. I just wanted to share this sort of odd pregnancy experience cd for me and was wondering if any other moms have successfully breastfed their babies after a reduction surgery...