
Andrea • Early childhood special education teacher
Is anyone else stressed about your baby coming during cold weather months and the worry of people wanting to visit and being secretly sick?
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Yes. And about ice on the roads when you need to get to the hospital in a hurry 


Andrea • May 22, 2016
Hopefully in SC we won't have ice in December.... But you never know


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Yes but im shutting it down .  My mom thinks ill be late since i was came a whole week after my due date so that means i may have the baby closer to christmas than i thought.  My family is gonna have to stay away cause they are so creepy when it comes to babies lol they can call, skype, & facetime but no visiters until were into the new year 👌🏾


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Not really. My first was born in January 2013, and my 2nd was born February 2015. I kept my oldest home completely for 2 weeks after his birth, but with my 2nd, the day we got released from the hospital (Sunday), we went to church that night. I just didn't let others hold him unless I knew they weren't sick and had used germ-x before touching him.