Am I pregnant? Is it possible?

I swore I was pregnant right at the end of my cycle last month because I had what seemed like implantation bleeding 5 days before my period, which I have never experienced. I ended up getting my period May 5th and was somewhat normal. Two weeks later, may 19th, I started getting severe heartburn and I've never experienced heartburn before.. It's been constant on and off for the past few days and I've been super bloated and super nauseous to certain foods. I started taking opk tests since cd10 and have an almost positive as of today, last month I ovulated at cd17. Just curious as to what my chances of possibly being pregnant. I hate to jump the gun, but these symptoms are just so weird. Had a miscarriage at 10 weeks in March and really hoping for my rainbow baby. I know this is long but please give me any input you have or if you've experienced anything like this.