Multiple pregnancies, telling others.

We are pregnant with baby #4! We are waiting until I enter second trimester to tell everyone because of a previous miscarriage last month. One thing I'm not looking forward to is the snarky comments I know I'm going to get. You know the "don't you know how babies are made by now" " how are you going to afford college for all of them" "another one" "oh boy" "this better be your last" "you're crazy" "what were you thinking" etc. we don't ask anyone for anything, but we are still going to get the comments. Any suggestions? I'm half tempted not to tell them at all. Last time I didn't show until 7 months, I'll just wear extra baggy clothes and if they ask if I'm pregnant say "that's rude to ask". How did you ladies deal with this? I don't want them ruining it for us!