In need of positive induction experiences or tips

Hi ladies! Due to a high blood pressure I'm probably getting to be induced on Wednesday. I wanted a non medicated, natural Hypnobirthing water birth with a midwife and now, at almost 39 weeks and blessed with a very smooth pregnancy, I have ended up in the hospital to do the exact opposite. Forcing my body to get unnatural into labour, strapped to a bed with an IV, monitors, gynaecologists I don't know, and I feel I've lost all control now. 
I'm so scared. The whole pregnancy I looked forward to the birth with no fear and now I can't even get exited about meeting my baby because I do not want to go to this process. I have heard so much terrible experiences and I have done to much research that I exactly know what the risks and statistics are etc. So I'm just looking for positive experiences or tips at this point. Anything will be very welcome, thank you!