rubella non-immune status


recently my bloodwork came back showing that I have no immunity to rubella. I know I got my shots when I was little, but apparently the vaccine kind of tapers off for some people. my ob didn't really say much about it except telling me that after baby is born I'll need to get vaccinated (again) since they can't do it while I'm pregnant.

what she didn't mention were the possibly terrible consequences of contracting rubella, including high risk of miscarriage, stillbirth, really awful birth defects including microcephaly and neurological problems. thanks for the scare, internet!

is anyone else in the same situation? is there any cause to be concerned? should i be on the lookout for people with rashes?! I'm not planning to travel outside the states, and I don't generally spend any amount of time around sick people (except doctors visits!) so should I just try not to stress about it?