36+5. Contractions.

Friday, I had some light bleeding so I called my doctor. She said, "it's probably your mucus plug. Nothing to worry about. Call back if you have contractions consistent for an hour.
Saturday, I had some light brown discharge. Figured it was more of the mucus plug.
Sunday, I had a contraction at 4:06 PM. I monitored them for an hour and they were 3-5 minutes apart. Called the doctor and headed for the hospital. They put me on the monitors and my contractions were still consistent, but I was only at 50% and 1-2 cm.
I walked around and did squats and lunges for two hours and then they checked me again and nothing had changed so they sent me home. They said "here's a sheet with the signs of labor. Regular contractions, pain here or there." And I said "okay. I'm still having the regular contractions; so why am I going home?"
But they sent me home anyway. Didn't even put me back on the monitors to check them. I feel like they think I'm crying wolf and they don't actually want to do their jobs. And I'm sooo frustrated. If they sent me home still having contractions, then how am I supposed to know when to go in?!