Birth story born 5-12-16 2:45 a.m

I was having contractions about 12 noon on 5/11 but I didn't know what it really was (my first pregnancy) so I thought I can sleep it off because it wasn't so bad, I took a nap and woke up at 2 something and the pain seemed worse so i told my boyfriend to take me into town, when we got into town I couldn't take it anymore so I went into the hospital and it was 3 they told me I was in labor and I got really scared and I couldn't take the pain so I asked for the epidural and they said when I get 5 centimeter and I was only 3, 1 hour went by and I was 7 centimeters so they gave it to me after they gave me the epidural my baby heart rate start dropping so they gave me oxygen but it really wasn't working and my baby was to high to start pushing so the doctor said that my parts wasn't big enough to push him out even though I was 10 centimeters dialeted so we would have to do an emergency c-section so they put me to sleep and they had to give my baby CPR and meds to "pump him back up" because he was lifeless but I'm so happy and blessed that my baby made it into the world