Conceiving Naturally with Endometriosis



ive had endo for a very long time and was told for many years there was no hope in hell i would ever conceive naturally. our son took 7 yrs. with that being said, i know it's possible and we have now been ttc for 2 yrs this month. im not surprised every time AF arrives but i am tired. the process emotionally and physically drains you.

i want to hear from others who suffer from endo and have succeeded in conceiving naturally. and what was your secret recipe that finally gave you that bfp and how long did it take?

may i also add im taking a break from fertility treatments. 3 <a href="">iui</a>'s- bfn's and 6 mths of clomid - bfn's and 4 mths of fermara- bfn's.

thanks ladies- wanting to hear some stories of hope😇