I need prayer please

Back in February I give birth to my first beautiful healthy daughter. She is my first child as well. Since giving birth life has been some what complicated. I have in between homes and been stressing out over several things that I would like you to help me pray for. First I would like for you to help me thank God and his son Jesus for blessing me with my healthy beautiful baby girl. I would also like for you to help me thank him for helping me find a job that I know lord willing it will turn into a career for me. I need a lot of help in my life as a new single mother. For starters I'm embarrassed to say that I do not biologically know who my daughters father is. I was with a guy that I was with for off and on for 8 years and that's who I want my daughters father to be. I'm asking that you be in agreeince with me that he is my daughters father. I want a family with him. The other guy was sorta a one night stand that has multiple children with multiple women and I don't want to be added to the drama. So please for favor that God bless my daughter and I that my ex boyfriend is biologically her father. Also I'm in between homes. I'm in the midst of staying with my mother which is very stressful on me. She is very selfish and not understanding to anyone else's feelings. I know that God blessed me with this new job so that I can get a car and my own place soon but I just ask that God be in the midst of helping me save for my car and place and giving me patience to deal with my mom. Please pray that God opens my mothers heart mind and eyes to how she treat people and make them feel and be more sensitive to understanding. Also heal my mother from what ever pain she has that's causing her to be miserable and causing people around her to miserable. Please pray that me and my daughter find a safe car and apartment. Please pray my daughter and I have a great relationship and my daughter grow healthy strong and talented. Please pray that God is always in the midst of my daughter and I everyday life and guide protect my daughter and myself. Please that God heals my heart and let go of the pain that my mother has caused in my life.