My aunt is horrible! 😡

Dee • 31, SAHM🤷🏻, Bibliophile📖, Foodie🍕🍔🍟, Sitcomholic🤣, Potterhead☇
Ugh! Till now I always respected her for Her age despite everyone else in my family hating her.. But now I understand why they hate her... She visited us over the weekend for lunch... She asked me how my pregnancy was going so far and I said  its been good. She asked how my anatomy scan went. I told her that everything was great with our baby but she was in breech position, though my doc wasn't much concerned of it... From there she took the topic to a whole new stupid level... She was like, I know a friend of mine who's baby was breech and later it died because of cord accident... 😢.. Usually breech babies end up in C-sections and I don't think those babies bond well with mom... 😡 Moms who opt surgeries are too cowardly to try natural birth.. So on and so forth... There was just no stop button to Her blabber mouth ... I felt like kicking her out of my house... What the hell does she think she is anyway? Why would anyone talk such things to a pregnant woman? Women who have their c sections literally have their tummies cut open and their recovery is honestly harder than moms who had natural births... And how the hell can she talk about infant deaths and stuff when she knows well  clearly that this is our rainbow after two devastating losses? Doesn't she have any empathy or common sense???  I'm just so pissed and I decided not to invite her to my baby shower... I don't need such hypocrites in my life. My husband on the other hand thinks that it would be rude as she is my own Aunt.. What do you think??? Am I being wrong???
Update: thank you all!! Yep I'm not gonna invite her or talk to her anymore from now on... To hell with her feelings when she doesn't give a damn about ours...🙏🏼👍🏼