Can we just all give a shout out..,

To how awesome our husbands and SO are!?! My family has been going through a lot with the passing of my little brother and my parents and little sister are really havin a rough time financially and emotionally. My mom also has breast cancer and is just overall not feeling well. My mom has been texting me and telling me about everything going on so of course I start stressing. Then my sweet as can be husband texts me this after I tell him about every. 
And I instantly feel better. He is so amazing. 
I feel like sometimes in ttc we concentrate so much on conceiving and forget the point of it all. We want a baby born out of the love between us, so we should be focusing equally on our SO. 
Any of you have any awesome stories
Of things your DH or SO has done for you that made you fall even more in love?