What do you do if your boyfriends mom isn't really feeling you?

I don't know what to do! I'm a very soft spoken, shy type of person. I've never had an issue like this before. Usually mothers absolutely adore me and it doesn't take very much effort for me to engage in some type of conversation with them.. This mom is... Well... Is different. When I first met her she didn't come off as the most welcoming person in the world and apparently she had made a remark that my bfs ex looks better than me.. Which did rub me the wrong way. I feel like whenever I try to talk to her I'm just more of a bother than anything else, it got to the point where I was so nervous to speak to her because she always gave me stale answers. There was even a time I asked if she needed help cleaning up and she sort of dismissed me. And recently when said hi to her she just looked at me, laughed, and looked away. I felt so disrespected. There was ONE time I actually had somewhat of a conversation with her, but it was very brief because I was stopping by for a little. I don't know what to do because I really want to establish a relationship with her because my mom LOVES my bf and I want all feelings to be mutual here. I'm really stuck and idk what to do about it and idk what I did for her to treat me like that.