Please help! (Medical advice please)

I was recently t-boned in the drivers side of my car, I didn't have any immediate injuries but I've been very very sore and I'm exhausted, everything hurts. I have two full-time management jobs, and I have been working 12 hour shifts every day since the accident. It's been four days.. I can't go to the doctor yet until I know for sure if will be on the drivers insurence or not.
Aside from being very sore, tonight after I left work, I tried eating some food, but wasn't very hungry despite not having eaten all day. I didn't feel sick at all, but right as I was about to get in my car and drive home, I gagged once, and then just started throwing up. I threw up everything in my stomach, and now I'm just dry heaving. I still don't really feel sick, just tired and out of breath from throwing up.. 
There's a possibility that I might be pregnant, and there's a possibility that I have a concussion from my accident.. I'm not sure which one but I'm hoping to get some advice to hold me over until I can go to the doctor, on my next day off which is Wednesday. 
Has anyone thrown up randomly when pregnant? At certain smells or sown thing, without actually feeling sick first?? Or do you think this is a concussion? But normally you throw up right away when you get a concussion.. I think