Water broke too early...

..so my water broke on Tuesday (24/5) . I was 23wks 4 days along. I was given a steroid and mag and was transferred to a bigger hospital on plane same day. My baby was calm for 2days despite the very low amniotic fluid. Then on Thursday he his heartbeat jump from 150 to 170. 
We were told the best option was to bring him out, that the unstable and high heart rate is a bad sign and there was no guarantee of his survival outside the womb either considering I was only 23+
...we were to choose a lesser evil 
I wept through out that day and keep praying for his heart beat to stabilize.
After some hrs of watching him without changes we have to come to a decision and sign the c/section papers. My husband has been holding on all along, telling me not to cry. But when I was wheeled down to theater, he cried so much that they have to call a chaplain to comfort him
To our amazement he made the first 72hrs. He was 1lb 3oz..but he could move his legs and hands
He's our miracle. 
Pls put us in your prayers that he made it all through