Silly Shit you say to your babies and Toddlers


So it's been about 7 years since I had a baby... And I had almost forgotten how silly some of the stuff I say to my kids. When my oldest daughter was about 18 months she use to call these little wooden people this stage I was teaching her to not put everything in her mouth so what do I do? I use words she understands. "L you don't put guys in your mouth" within seconds of saying that I face Palm and start laughing. With my littlest one she's 4 months old and well on her way to crawling and grabbing things and just getting in to all kinds of I use cloth diapers so I put her on her back on the floor next to the diaper I turned around to get the wipes and the liners I look back at her she's rolled over and got the clean cloth diaper in her mouth my instant response..."nooo M don't eat the bum bum! That's not a toy!"

So please share the crazy and silly Shit you say to your kids!

By the way this is the pic I took right before she started to chew on the diaper. Its got little Scotty dogs on it and it's right in front of her lol