Boss driving me crazy... 😑😧 Pregnancy making it hard not to come unleashed...


Sorry ladies, just going to job rant a little bit here...

I am seriously counting down these next 6 months to just getting away from my boss and getting to say goodbye for good...

New boss showed up in January and I have never ever ever met someone who could talk about nothing so much... You don't even have to ask him a question for him to walk past you, stop, and go into this huge long speel like he answering a question you asked when you didn't so much as LOOK at him. Then he spends forever ranting about how he doesn't have enough time to do everything and he is doing this, this and this but keeps getting dragged off on other things. And then he will spend forever ranting about how things SHOULD be done and how it is ridiculous the company does things the way they do cuz it is so inefficient and then he pulls up examples about previous places he worked and how THEY did things and how it makes so much more sense but then rants about how that wouldn't work here because we work with slightly different products but how they don't take his advice. And all I do is nod periodically while I do MY job so I'm not RUDE but some days I REALLY just want to tell him "If you are so busy then, DO WHAT YOU NEED TO DO!" Seriously... if he spent HALF the time doing shit as he spent bitching, ranting, complaining, answering questions that were never asked... He wouldn't know what to do with himself. You can't even hold a convo with him if you try because you will sit there listening to his speel in response to your conversational response wondering how that even remotely has anything to do with what you said... OR if you ask a work related question! You just want a super simple short answer and he will go into some huge long speel about what that job was about, why it is taking so long, so and so did this. And you want to be like I DON'T FUCKING CARE ABOUT THE EXCUSES! I just want to know what we are going to do about it NOW! Let's just deal with the issue in the present not the past. You can seriously stand there listening to this guy for a half hour straight and not get an answer to the simple question you asked. I seriously avoid talking to this guy as much as I can... What bothers me even more is that he has NO TIME MANAGEMENT SKILLS. He complains about how he never sees his son and has to stay at the office till 9pm because this stuff needs to get done... well if you hadn't spent 3 hours ranting today maybe it would have gotten done on time... or he wants people to stay late to help with things like inventory that don't need to be done for two more days when there are other things that are days over due that should have been done already that he is ignoring. He has no sense of prioritization. What. So. Ever. I don't know how he even got this job over the last guy they fired... 😑 He is just a mess. I could get over his lack of task prioritization if he at least stopped ranting about the very stuff he needs to be doing all the fucking time... It is so hard not to just interrupt him, or be short with him, or tell him he needs to stop talking and do this thing RIGHT now. I'm not supposed to be his fucking mother but my job deadlines depend on him getting his stuff done. 😧😧😧

Anyone else have annoying job rants they'd like to share...?