Still haven't bought ANYTHING feeling guilty.

Ok so I am 29 weeks, we moved into our new house like 2 weeks ago. My husband got ACL surgery done a week ago & I have to do everything for him. Plus a full time job, and this tiredness, I haven't made time to get anything for my baby. I am freaking out, we don't have a crib, we don't have diapers, we don't have bottles, anything!!! We only have the few dresses and outfits my coworkers have given me. Cute tutus and stuff. But nothing practical... My mom told me today "what if the baby comes out earlier". And if she does, I'm screwed because I've been so busy with life,  & haven't made time to prepare for my babygirl. I feel extremely guilty. On top of that there's my husband trying to buy all these appliances (washer & dryer, new vacuum cleaner, new lawn mower) but the minute I tell him "we need to get stuff for the baby" he says, "oh don't worry we will get a lot of stuff at the babyshower".... But we haven't even started planning or organizing a baby shower 😕. Idk I feel like he hasn't realized how real this situation is. Like there's a BABY coming!! Idk.... Just wanted to vent a little....