Husband isn't respecting my wishes

We recently found out I'm pregnant and I said I only wanted to tell parents til 12 weeks. I haven't even had a scan to check for a heart beat and won't for another 2 weeks when I'm around 8weeks. He's already blabbed it to 3 people at work and now his mother who is pissed about us having a baby is demanding he tell his half sister that isn't in our lives. Her and her husband don't like or want kids yet his mom still is demanding we tell her. He's not respecting my feelings on this nor is the wicked mother in law and I don't know how else to explain to him that I'm terrified of something happening and I don't want everyone in the world knowing. We see his sister 1-2 times a year only for holidays so I don't see why she should be obligated to know. Am I wrong since this is his sister even though he has nothing to do with her because he isnt fond of her?