How old were you?

Katy • 24 • Queer • Feminist • Married • TTC with my wife
When you realized you weren't straight or cis or that you were asexual? 
And how did you discover the terms that matched your identity? 
I knew when I was nine that I wasn't straight. I had a crush on a girl and wished I could be a boy so she could be my girlfriend. I didn't know for another year that girls were allowed to like girls, when my older cousin came out. 
She came out as a lesbian though, and I wasn't a lesbian. I still liked boys. I didn't realize bisexual was a thing until high school, and didn't accept that I could be bi until about a year after I graduated. 
And it's only been in the last year that I've gotten to know my own identity a little better and realized I'm much more comfortable using the term queer for myself. 
So what about everyone else?