"It'll happen when you stop trying"

If I hear "it'll happen when you stop trying" Or "it'll happen when the time is right" one more time my head will explode! I've heard this 3 times from my sister in the past week. I'm away from home to meet her 2nd baby. I'm still ttc #1 after 2years and all I've been hearing so far is how I'm lucky I get to sleep and relax and do whatever I want. Or "oh the joys of having 2 kids" I use the rest room about 20 times a day to dry my eyes because I have no one to talk to about this without feeling like I'm getting my feelings hurt. My husband is just as sad about it so he tries to change the subject or he just says "oh" or "falls asleep". I need someone to talk to. Not a stranger or friends, I need family. I don't want to hear the "it'll happen when..." I need to hear the "I'm here for you and support you."