I feel like my husband is unsupportive of my breastfeeding: (

First let me state the fact that my husband is a very loving caring man. He is excellent with my 2 childrens and works a very hard job and still helps around the house and cooks if I don't feel good. Just so their is no bashing him. However I can't help but feel discouraged when we discuss me nursing our child. She will be my 3rd his 1st. He makes statements like "you better not whip ur tit out in public" right after I show him a nursing cover up I purchased to obviously be discreet. I feel like my husband is one of the people who get offended by public breast-feeding. I explain to him that I'm doing this because it best for her (don't go crazy bottle feeding mommas I bottle fed both mine after 6 weeks because nursing is so hard. I just really wanna go the distance this time) I explain to him that if his baby is hungry in public he shouldn't care what people think of me nursing. And tips to help me either cope with his disposition and obvious uncomfortable view of nursing or to get him to feel better and more natural about it. Either way I'm nursing her supportive husband or not. Why is this so strange for him?