I have no friends.

So I moved away from home to go to college, and I've been back for over a week and no one has bothered to see me. All I've been doing is trying to make plans with people since they all said how much they missed me, and I've been consistently blown off and straight up blatantly lied to. For example, my "best friend" said she had work until 5, I see her posting snapchat updates of her out getting sushi. Another "best friend" says she's working all day, I see her boyfriend post on Facebook they went fishing. 
I'm only here for a month and then I don't come back for a year and they can't bother to make time for me. I'm so done. I thought I had real friends but who am I kidding, no one really cares. I don't even want anyone at my baby shower anymore, I'm just going to stop putting any effort in since they don't put in any effort for me. 
Kinda sucks realizing how alone you are.. And these are friends I've had for years.