
Please no negative posts. 
I went in today (39 weeks) and I was at a 1-2 and 40% effaced. She could feel the babies head. This is exactly where I was last week. I have an induction scheduled on Monday at 39+6.  I am hoping my body responds to the induction and it doesn't end up in c-section. I know I still have six days until then. In the mean time I am walking, bouncing, eating pineapple, sex, and taking 1,000 mg of Evening Primrose Oil. I am being induced due to my time off. I am a teacher and have no maternity leave. I only have the time this summer with him. Hoping he comes in the before but do you have any words of encouragement or advice? I will not do castor oil and all that😝! Thanks so much looking for positivity not bashing!