The cat is outta the bag

We were going to wait till after our anatomy scan to tell our kids the news but...
I had my checkup today and my husband was going to meet me in the lobby to stay with our (almost) 6 year old daughter. Well he got stuck in traffic so I had to take her with me into the room.
Sure enough after using the Doppler my OB gives the HR and says " little girl range" and then says "baby sounds good". It suddenly dawned on my daughter  and she started bouncing up and down in her chair 😄
She peppered me with questions the whole way home (how big? Why isn't my tummy big? When? Sister or Brother?)
So I told my boys when they got home and their response wasn't nearly as enthusiastic as their sister ("cool") but that's okay. 
So I guess we will see on the 20th how baby is doing and maybe find out gender.