Uncertain if I love husband?

My husband is a great person but I feel I may have settled for him. I wasn't super excited when he proposed or on our wedding day. 
I feel like our main commonality is that we work for the same company and so we support each others careers. 
I dislike that we don't really have fun with each other alone. He likes to micromanage and always have a plan and I am more go with the flow. I feel like we don't cook or or do any kinds of projects together because he likes to be in control. 
I don't have the feelings of love for him like I have had in the past for an exboyfriend. I chalked those feelings to being lust not love. 
I married him because he is hard worker, provider, and we like to travel but things are just not clicking right now. 
Our relationship currently isn't that great and I feel its due to the fact that I should of broke up with before he proposed to me. Now I feel stuck in marriage and I feel like if I divorce him I may never find someone who treats me as well as he does. Yet I sit here wondering if there is someone I haven't met yet that I would have more intense feelings for etc. Basically I wonder if there is someone who I would be more compatible with in regards to sex and spending time with each other. 
Anyone else feel they settled? Or should we divorce and go our seperate ways?