How to switch obgyn at 37wks, update to rude doctor


So I've decided that I want to switch doctors, I know I'm far along. I found a few different obgyns and I plan to call their offices today, but I don't want to be too blunt and just say well your doctor's take me or of work at 38 weeks pregnant and give off a entitled vibe (might not be the case they will feel that way I just have severe anxiety, and over think everything) .

So I'm looking for what you ladies would say when you call and help give me some advice.

So I also looked up reviews on the Dr I'm seeing now and that's in the picture I posted, makes me feel better knowing I'm not the only patient that feels this way.

And thank you do much for all your responses on my last post. If her concern isn't what helps me be comfortable and mentally prepared and rested for the last few days of my pregnancy then I can't imagine how she would treat me in labor, she's already been pressuring me into changing my mind to a c section when that is not what I want at all. And as someone stated imagine what she will be like post part um after the birth.

I still can't believe a doctor would treat someone like this as she told me if I can't handle my pregnancy maybe I should go see a counsler. That's all she said when I told her all my aches and pains and depression and anxiety as I was crying, for the third time in her office. Making me feel so small.

Anyway any advice on what to say when I call these new places would be very very helpful. Xx