Stretching yourself thin..

Alright momma's here I go on the rant I think every momma feels this way sometimes.

At the beginning of this year my husband and I decided to put our son in activities- he was three at the time but not in pre-k because we moved. We did this because we were worried about his social skills.

Anyway first we put him in a dance class which he loves, but was only once a week for an hour. So DH found a dojo near by and signed him up also only 1 day a week for an hour. Now it's summer and because DH was in love with baseball played well we have DS in T-ball twice a week. So here's our week right now. Monday dance, Tuesday t-ball, Wednesday nothing, Thursday T-ball, Friday Karate. Mind you these are the only 2 weeks that look like this. T-ball just started yesterday and dance will be ending next week with a recital. My sweet boy is doing really great in all activities, no tears when it's time to leave momma participating to the best of his ability(DH and I are realizing he may not be the best player out there but he definitely does his very very best and has fun!)

All this being said we are a busy little family.... and the majority falls on me as a stay at home momma and husband working unpredictable hours. I was up until the wee hours of the morning because the karate uniform needed to be bleached, the t- ball pants had horrendous grass stains, the dogs were sick, DH needed a lunch packed, the kitchen floor was disgusting. All this while TTC #2... I'm not complaining really! I love being busy, I thrive off of running around like crazy. I'm just wondering if other moms have days where you just want to sit.... put on a movie and eat junk all day and snuggle with that baby who is growing up way way too fast. Only to look back on your day and think, oh my gosh I actually fed my family cereal for dinner?! I'm a horrible mum!

I love being busy, my son loves everything he is in and he is so so excited to be in school in the fall. But all this running around makes me wonder, how in the hell am I going to do all this with a baby attached to my boob and on 3 hours of sleep?! How am I going to fit in days like today when I snuggle my beautiful boy eat junk and have cereal for dinner...?

Love and baby dust to all... and to all those momma's who know we aren't perfect, but we're trying- I see you because I am you. <3