At what point do I call my doctor?

Kaitlin • Wife 👰 | LEB 👧🏼| JEB 👦🏼| GEB 👶🏼| 🤰Baby #4
Okay I am a very big worry wart first time mom! So every now and then I will check and make sure there is no blood inside my vagina, and most of the time I have toilet paper on my finger to catch anything that may be in there. Well I did that about a week ago and there was nothing but for some reason I decided to use a q-tip to swab inside of myself and out came just a few drops of brownish/dark red blood. No bigger than the tip of a pen head. I freaked and isntanlh checked again and there was nothing but clear discharge. So today I had a bowel movement and then when I wiped my front there was a little bit of light pink blood on the TP. I could kind of feel where there what felt like a small scratch because it burned a little bit. I stuck the toilet paper on where I thought the blood was coming from and sure enough there it was. I took a shower and cleaned up really good down there and have had nothing since. I am 12 weeks pregnant and not sure if I should call my doctor? I can't be 100% sure that it's from a scratch but I think I just keep irritating my area down there by checking so much. I know it's my own fault but I get really worried. So does it sound okay to everyone? Does it sound like it's just from small cuts or should I still call my doctor? I have another doctors appointment in less than a week but I don't know if I should try and bump up my appointment or if I'm still just being a worry wart.