Preterm labor again

Amanda • Nurse. Wife. Mommy to 10 yo boy, 7 yo girl, and 2 yo old boy, TTC # 4 💞
Just got home from a 2 night hospital stay. I had to be on magnesium sulfate for 24 hours due to strong contractions 2-3 min apart. They were able to get my contractions stopped and am now home on Procardia every 6 hours to keep the contractions at bay. I'm 32+3. I had an ultrasound while admitted that showed baby is weighing 5.5lbs currently so they gave me another round of steroids to help develop his lungs ( had my first round at 26 weeks, which is when I first started having contractions) I've been on modified bedrest for 6 weeks now but seems it hasn't been modified enough. Last pregnancy I had baby at 35 weeks so hoping to make it a few more weeks. Still having pains even with the procardia. I'm just terrified my water will break at home bc with my other 2 babies after my water broke I was ready to push within an hour and a half 😳 so anyway say a little prayer for me and my baby boy id appreciate it