Premie moms-

This may be an extremely strange thing to ask, but if you had a premie baby before, did you think you were going to have one? Like have a premonition or anything about it?
I am 22 weeks currently due in October and something inside of me tells me that I will be having the baby early like in August and that I need to stop doing as much (like every time people ask me when I am due, I almost always say August, even though I know it is October).  I haven't had my anatomy scan because of health insurance lapse, so I have no idea whether any of this is just a strange worry I am having or if it is legit or not. 
I mean, I am all for listening to your body and taking things easy but I also love my workouts and pushing myself farther and farther, so it's hard for me to want to slow down or stop.