Change in poopy diapers

Janell • 4/25/2016💙 Caden 3/10/2018💙 Cameron
My LO is 6 weeks old, and until this week he was having multiple poopy diapers a day. Now, he will have track marks with some diapers but only 1 big poopy diaper a day. Today, he didn't have any poopy diapers. Is this normal to have such a big change? Also, he is EBF.
UPDATE: I spoke to his pediatrician today, and between 6-8 weeks is often when bowel movements decrease because they are absorbing all of the nutrients from the breastmilk now; she said up to 7 days without a bowel movement would be normal, and the longer he goes between poos the bigger it will be when it doesn't come 😳